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Understanding users: from requirements to design

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Jun 2018
Tech Stack
Figma, Pen and paper
The challenge
Users can't be asked what they want. That is why other techniques like, scenarios, prototyping and user testing exists. This design was made for researchers of sensory odor testing labs. Their job is to visualize differences in taste and smells of different products. The platform assists these researchers and avoids repetitive work.
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From requirements to design
Together with the researchers, we made a list of bullet points containing all the requirements. We later structured this list according to the web pages. This list were the initial thoughts of our users. Next to that, we created a couple of user scenario's that uncovered new idea's. All these requirements and idea's were bundled into a prototype on paper. This confirmed that our idea's were in sync but also enabled user testing. Finally, the prototype received colors and fonts which shaped the final, user centered design.
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